This year, the organising board presented four first,eight second, 14 third and 19 consolidate prizes to 45 projects.
Two of the four projects receiving the first prize were alsohonoured with certificates and the gold medals from the World IntellectualProperty Organisation (WIPO).
At the ceremony, Hue presented the PrimeMinister’s certificates of merit to award-winning authors and the first-classLabour Order to the VIFOTEC and its Permanent Vice President Le Xuan Hao.
The leader underlined the significance of science,technology and renovation as a key tool for the implementation of thesustainable development goals with an important role in economic developmentand the settlement of challenges in all socio-economic aspects.
He lauded the performance by the VIFOTEC over the past 30 years in supportingscientists to make contributions to the country’s science development as wellas national construction and defence.
In order to complete the goal of becoming a socialist-orienteddeveloped country by the middle of the 21st century, the Party has definedscience, technology and innovation as an extremely important motivation for theprocess, he underlined.
Hue called for the engagement of the whole Party and peoplein the cause of science and technology development with the pioneering role ofthe intellectuals and entrepreneurs, and the support of localities inencouraging talents in association with the implementation of the startupmovement.
Dr. Phan Xuan Dung, President of the VietnamUnion of Science and Technology Associations and President of the VIFOTEC saidthat since the VIFOTEC was established in 1992, it has organised 27 editions ofthe science-technology innovation awards.
Thousands of award-winning projects have been applied invarious socio-economic and security-defence areas, contributing to the country’srenewal cause and encouraging technology research activities inthe country.
At the ceremony, Minister of Science and Technology HuynhThanh Dat launched the VIFOTEC awards 2022, focusing on six major areas of mechanicalautomation technology; material technology; information technology- electronicsand telecommunications; biotechnology for production and life; technology torespond to climate change, protect the environment and rationally useresources; and new energy saving and energy use technology./.