In the workshop, McClelland, an expertin the US department’s National Nuclear Security Administration, gavean overview of the US ’s preparations for nuclear radiationincidents and introduced the country’s state of emergency mechanism as aresponse to nuclear radiation. He also explained the Robert T.StaffordDisaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act) and therevised Atomic Energy Act to the participants.
According to McClelland, a unified and effective national responseprogramme is not possible without active participation and coordinationacross sectors at all levels. He noted that local authorities inparticular need to play a leading role.
TheAgency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety presented Vietnam ’s progressin developing a nuclear and radiation incident response plan, with theaim of establishing a comprehensive organisational structure thatstrengthens the coordination between relevant agencies in order to dealwith the incidents in a timely manner and thus minimise the impact onhuman lives and property.
The central provinceof Ninh Thuan will house Vietnam ’s first nuclear power plant, tobe designed by Russian groups and put into operation between 2023 and2024. The nuclear plant will have a total capacity of 2,000 MW from twoturbines.-VNA