Workshop talks gender responsive budgeting

Gender responsive budgeting was the main topic of a workshop held by the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs and the UN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Hanoi on September 17.

Workshop talks gender responsive budgeting ảnh 1At the workshop (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) –
Gender responsive budgeting was the main topic of aworkshop held by the National Assembly’s Committee for Social Affairs and theUN Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women in Hanoi onSeptember 17.

Speaking at the event, Le Thi Nguyet, deputy head of the NA’s Committee forSocial Affairs, said the integration of gender equality into the building of the2015 Law on State Budget was an important premise to achieve the target of equalityin access to and management of national resources.

The Law on Gender Equality, which was approved by the Vietnamese legislature in2006, has set basic principles of gender equality, including the integration ofgender equality in the building and execution of laws and policies, she said.

Therefore, the Law on State Budget has included gender equality into Statebudget management principles and made gender equality a basis to build the annualState budget estimate.

Delegates shared the view that although Vietnam has reached noted achievementsin ensuring gender equality such as the higher rates of female in the NA and inthe workforce, there remain many problems.

The percentage of women holding management positions is lower than that amongmen. Average income of female labourers is lower than that of their malecounterparts, and women still bear the main responsibility for house work.

Regarding the implementation of regulations of the Law on State Budget, theparticipants said the enforcement of State budget should be carried outeffectively, contributing to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

They suggested more proper analysis of gender issues during the building ofState budget estimates as well as State management policies./.

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