2.2 mln USD to improve lives of Quang Tri ethnic minorities

A project to develop the livelihoods of ethnic minorities in Huong Hoa district was launched during a seminar in the central province of Quang Tri on June 23.
A project to develop the livelihoods of ethnic minorities in Huong Hoa district was launched during a seminar in the central province of Quang Tri on June 23.

The 2.2 million USD project will be carried out over five years and benefit 1,200 impoverished households, mostly Pako and Van Kieu ethnic minorities in Huong Tan, Huong Phung, Huong Linh, Huong Son, Huong Viet and Huong Lap communes.

World Vision, an international organisation dedicated to supporting children and the vulnerables worldwide, will set up 50 farming production groups in the above communes. Their members will be trained in sustainable farming and processing as well as cost-saving techniques through community-based saving and credit funds.

They will establish connectivity chains between local authorities and enterprises, markets and farmers to spur consumption.

The project will help with planning and market analysis before production.

Participants also discussed technical models, project management mechanisms and cooperative potentials.

The seminar was co-hosted by World Vision, the Netherlands Development Organisation and the Hoang Hoa district People’s Committee.-VNA

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