(Photo: timesofmalta.com)
Jakarta (VNA) – A 6.4-magnitude earthquake jolted Indonesia’seastern province of Maluku on early September 22, according to the country’sMeteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG).
The quake struck at 2:53 a.m. Jakarta time on the daywith epicenter at 165 km northwest Maluku Tenggara Barat district and with thedepth of 11 km under sea bed, Muhammad Fadilah, an official in charge at theagency, said.
There was no tsunami alert issued.
Earlier, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said a 5.9-magnitude quake struck offSaumlaki village on Maluku province’s Tanimbar archipelago at 07:53 p.m onSeptember 21.
Indonesia experiences frequent seismic andvolcanic activity due to its position on the Pacific "Ring of Fire".
Last year, a 7.5-magnitude quake and asubsequent tsunami in Palu on Sulawesi island killed more than 2,200 people,with another thousand declared missing./.