- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his visiting Singaporean counterpart LeeHsien Loong agreed to consider upgrading the relationship between Vietnam andSingapore to a comprehensive strategic partnership in the time ahead, at theirtalks in Hanoi on August 28. Read full story
- Phase 1 of the Vietnam - Singapore Industrial Park (VSIP) project in VinhThanh district, the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho, will have its constructionstarted on September 9, according to the municipal People’s Committee.
The launch is expected to see the presence of about 300 delegates, includingrepresentatives of the Singaporean Embassy in Hanoi, the Singaporean ConsulateGeneral in Can Tho, ministries, and central agencies. It will also form part ofthe activities marking the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomaticties. Read full story
- First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union (HCMCYU)’s CentralCommittee and Chairman of the National Committee on Youth Bui Quang Huy hosteda reception in Hanoi on August 28 for a delegation from the National YouthCouncil of Singapore led by its Chief Executive Officer David Chua.
Huy welcomed the Singaporean delegation’s visit, which is taking place whenVietnam and Singapore are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their bilateraldiplomatic ties and their 10-year strategic partnership. Read full story
- Full-time National Assembly (NA) deputies opined on some draft laws, to besubmitted to the legislature’s sixth meeting in October, at a conference inHanoi on August 28.
In his opening remarks, NA Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue noted that the conference, thefourth of its kind in the 15th tenure, is to make the best possiblepreparations for the sixth sitting. Read full story
- Chairman of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Committee Vu Hai Hareceived in Hanoi on August 28 received a delegation from Cuba-VietnamFriendship Parliamentarians’ Group led by its Vice President, Governor ofCuba’s Artemisa province Ricardo Concepcion Rodriguez.
Ha, who is also President of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Parliamentarians Groupand the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association, emphasised that the VietnameseParty, State, and people always attach great importance to and wish to furthertighten the traditional relationship of solidarity, friendship, and traditionalcooperation with the Party, State and the people of Cuba. Read full story
- Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai received visiting Saudi Arabian Ministerof Tourism Ahmed bin Aqeel-Khateeb in Hanoi on August 28, affirming thatVietnam attaches importance to the enhancement of the friendship andmultifaceted cooperation with Saudi Arabia, an important partner in the MiddleEast. Read full story
- Director General of the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) Vu Viet Trang on August 28had a meeting with a delegation from the Governments of the French-SpeakingCommunity of Belgium (Wallonie-Bruxelles) and the Walloon Region in Vietnam.
At the meeting, Trang congratulated Nicolas Dervaux, Representative of theGovernments of the French-speaking Community of Belgium and the Walloon Regionin Vietnam, for completing his term and welcomed his successor Pierre Du Ville. Read full story
- Director of the Vietnam Press Museum Tran Thi Kim Hoa has come to appreciateFrench collector Jean Marie Jacquemin’s donations of a book titled “1968 - 1973Verrières-le-Buisson: Havre De Paix” (Verrières-le-Buisson: Safe Haven) andsome valuable publications related to Vietnam.
The book is a collection of hundreds of articles posted on French and othercountries’ newspapers. It was first published in 2013 on the occasion of the40th anniversary of the signing of the Paris Peace Accords, and then reprintedin 2023 to mark 50 years since the signing. Read full story
- Vietnam lured close to 18.15 billion USD in foreign direct investment (FDI)from the beginning of this year to August 20, up 8.2% year-on-year, accordingto the Foreign Investment Agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
In the period, there were 1,924 newly-registered projects with a combinedcapital of 8.87 billion USD, up 69.5% and 38.6% compared to the same periodlast year, respectively. Read full story
- The Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control (VAAC), in collaboration withthe Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and the US Centres for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC) in Vietnam, held a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City onAugust 28 to provide guidance on HIV/AIDS prevention and control for workers. Read full story./.