*We haverecently talked much of the agro-forestry-fishery exporters’difficulties. Can you tell us what measures has the Ministry of Industryand Trade (MOIT) taken to remove those difficulties?
Despitegrowth in the export volumes of agro-forestry-fishery products in earlymonths of this year, the export revenue still fell. The main reason waslow demand of these products caused by sluggish world economy.
To support agro-forestry-fishery exports, MOIT has focused on severalsolutions including restructuring production to bring higher value-addedto products; applying technological innovation to enhancecompetitiveness of enterprises; training human resources, accessinglow-interest loans to serve production and export; diversifying exportmarkets and further strengthening trade promotion activities overseas.
In addition, MOIT also actively coordinated with relatedagencies to remove difficulties for agro-forestry-fishery exports. Forexample, in early June of this year, MOIT signed with the Ministry ofAgriculture and Rural Development a joint-action programme to boostexports of agro-forestry-fishery products.
*The poor quality isseen as one of the barriers that has impact on the agro-forestry-fisheryexports. How will this problem be solved in the coming time?
Therewas a question why Vietnam had to depend on some certain marketsrather than diversifying its export markets. This is partly because theproduct quality is not 100 percent guaranteed. In the currentintegration process, we must care about the product quality issue. Thisis also a vital factor for the integration and development of theeconomy.
*The lesson from recent litchi consumptionshowed that we should promote domestic market for consumption ofagro-forestry-fishery products. So how should we develop thedistribution network in the domestic market?
I have to admit thatthe domestic market has great potential with 90 million people.Therefore, along with boosting exports, the MOIT is also looking forsolutions to promote distribution network in the domestic marketespecially in rural and remote areas. According to MOIT, in the firsthalf of 2014, the export revenue of agro-forestry-fishery products wasestimated at 10.78 billion USD, a 13.6 percent increase year on year andaccounting for 15.2 percent of the total export revenue.-VNA