Alcohol-free Heineken available in Malaysia next month

The non-alcoholic malt beverage Heineken 0.0 will be available in bars, restaurants and stores of Malaysia in July, according to The Star newspaper.
Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – The non-alcoholic malt beverage Heineken 0.0 will be available in bars, restaurants and stores of Malaysia in July, according to The Star newspaper.

Heineken Malaysia managing director Roland Bala said the launch of the new beverage is in line with growing global trends centred around health-conscious consumers.

He was confident that the new Heineken 0.0 could scale in Malaysia, given its good reception in the 39 markets.

Heineken 0.0 is double-brewed with 100 percent natural ingredients and goes through a sophisticated de-alcoholisation process.

The non-alcoholic malt beverage made its debut in Asia last year, launching in Singapore and followed by Thailand earlier this year.

Heineken 0.0 marks a historical milestone for the group and an important addition to its portfolio as it strengthens the brand’s innovation. In 2018, an estimated 800,000 hectolitres or 80 million litres of Heineken 0.0 were sold.

The recommended retail price is 8.40 ringgit per bottle, while the recommended price in bars is 14 ringgit per bottle.-VNA

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