All resources should be promoted for national construction and protection: President

It is necessary to bring into play the strength of the whole nation and political system, make full use of support from the international community and promote all resources and creativeness of the people in building and safeguarding the Fatherland, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc said while chairing a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City on August 16 to discuss theoretical and practical issues on the protection of the Fatherland in the new situation.
All resources should be promoted for national construction and protection: President ảnh 1President Nguyen Xuan Phuc (standing) addresses the event. (Photo: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – It is necessary to bring into play the strength of the whole nation and political system, make full use of support from the international community and promote all resources and creativeness of the people in building and safeguarding the Fatherland, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc said while chairing a workshop in Ho Chi Minh City on August 16 to discuss theoretical and practical issues on the protection of the Fatherland in the new situation.

President Phuc, who is head of the steering committee on building a project to summarise the 10-year implementation of the resolution of the 8th plenary session of the 11th Party Central Committee on the Fatherland protection strategy in the new situation, highlighted major achievements in the cause of national protection.

The fundamental and inclusive achievement was the maintenance of independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and socialist orientation, and the steadiness of the leadership of the Party and the management role of the State, he said.

Agreeing with participants on the basic viewpoints in theory and practice on Fatherland safeguarding in the new situation, the President emphasised the need to always maintain the direct and absolute leadership of the Party in all aspects of national protection, and persist with the goal of national independence associated with socialism.

All resources should be promoted for national construction and protection: President ảnh 2Participants at the event (Photo: VNA)
It is necessary to raise awareness and responsibility of the entire Party, people, army and political system on the task of defending and building the Fatherland, he stressed.

The State leader highlighted the significance of the strength of the political system and the great national solidarity bloc in the cause of national construction and protection, along with the building of the people-based defence position.

He also reviewed the theoretical and practical conclusions that the Party have summarised after 35 years of  the “Doi Moi” (Renewal) process of the country.

The State leader also underlined the need to promote the outcomes of the 10-year implementation of the resolution of the eighth plenary session of the 11th Party Central Committee on the Fatherland protection strategy in the new situation./.


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