The consultancy, Amazon said, supported and provided an overviewof cross-border e-commerce, and showcases how Amazon resources, tools andsolutions can help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) traverse the internationalmarket.
Joining the four-day exhibition from August 29 to September 1,Amazon provided on-site information and guidance, advancing Vietnamese homedecor and furniture to the next level of global integration by leveragingcross-border e-commerce exports.
With industry insights and consultancy, Amazon Global Selling aimedto empower local businesses in the home decor and furniture industry to expandand accelerate their footprint in the globe.
In addition, the “Selling on Amazon” workshop, with a focus on therising trend of cross-border e-commerce on a global scale, offered a wellspringof information, insights, and educational resources, arming local enterpriseswith knowledge about e-commerce export.
The Amazon Handbook, a comprehensive guide packed with essentialsuccess know-how about online exports for domestic brands, was published,helping domestic suppliers thoroughly leverage their competitive edge inmanufacturing home decor and furniture to accelerate their global exportprogress.
“Home decor and furniture has huge advantages based on localunlocked potential and global market demand. We are delighted to present at theVIFA ASEAN 2023 as a chance to connect with local sellers and prospects, aswell as a window for accelerating Vietnam as a global manufacturing hub for homefurnishings and quality products in general,” said Gijae Seong, head of AmazonGlobal Selling Vietnam.
Vietnam's annual wood industry exports average over 10 billion USD,making Vietnam the fifth-largest wood manufacturer and exporter in the world.
VIFA ASEAN 2023 was an one-stop event for thousands of local andinternational visitors, featuring industry insights and practical experience inglobal exports./.