The Tan Thanh – Pu Zhai border gate acts as a major gatewayfor imports of fruit and agricultural products from Vietnam to enter China. Thetwo sides agreed to conduct on-the-border deliveries with drivers required to wearmasks and personal protective equipment (PPE).
The Pu Zhai border gate was temporarily shut down by theChinese side on December 18 as part of its strengthened measures to curb thespread of COVID-19.
The MoIT described customs clearance resuming at the Pu Zhaicheckpoint as a positive and much-needed move by Guangxi ahead the second meetingof the Working Group on Vietnam-China Trade Facilitation and the first meetingof a specialised committee set up to addressing congestion of goods at Vietnam’snorthern border gates with China.
Thanks to concerted efforts from both sides, the number ofcargo trucks stranded in Lang Son significantly dropped over the last severaldays. By 8:00am on January 24, there had been 355 trucks lining up for clearanceat border gates in Lang Son, down nearly 4,000 from a month ago.
The ministry once again advised localities, agribusinesses,traders and long-haul lorry drivers to strictly adhere to COVID-19 preventiverules in production, packaging and delivery to ensure the goods are of thehighest level of safety./.