APPF-20 wraps up in Tokyo

The 20 th annual Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) closed in Tokyo on Jan. 12, with a Joint Statement and new Tokyo Declaration to orient the forum’s future development being adopted.
The 20 th annual Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) closed in Tokyo on Jan. 12, with a Joint Statement and new Tokyo Declaration to orient the forum’s future development being adopted.

Under the new Tokyo Declaration, delegates affirmed the commitment to promote open and indiscriminative cooperation via seven principles ruling Asia-Pacific countries’ relations, as mentioned in the Vancouver Declaration and the Pacific Basin Charter of Valparaiso Declaration.

Participants said strengthening APPF’s framework and procedures is of special importance in determining the forum’s position to deal more effectively with structural changes in the Asia-Pacific region and international community, as well as challenges and opportunities emerging from these structural changes.

APPF Honorary President Yasuhiro Nakasone said that participants adopted an amended draft on APPF’s formality regulations compiled by Japan , to provide specific proposals for the forum’s reforms.

The delegates pledged to seek measures for issues faced by the regional and international community and strengthen efforts to ensure prosperity for the region and the world.

They also adopted 13 resolutions, notably resolution on promoting cultural, educational and people-to-people exchanges in the Asia-Pacific region, strengthening regional peace and security, cooperating in the fight against natural disasters and ensuring food security, energy and nuclear safety.

APPF was established in 1993 to provide a forum for parliamentarians to discuss measures to promote regional cooperation towards the goals of ensuring peace and development, as well as promoting exchange activities among regional cultures./.

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