Thua Thien-Hue (VNA) – Preliminary excavationfindings of Duong Xuan Mound in Hue city were revealed on January 9, sheddinglight on a relic site dating back several hundreds of years.
Duong Xuan Mound is now a residential area inTruong An ward of Hue city, the central province of Thua Thien-Hue.
Historical documents and studies found that in1691, Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu built a palace named Duong Xuan at the site whichwas expanded in 1740 under the reign of Lord Nguyen Phuc Khoat. Many alsobelieve that in 1789, King Quang Trung constructed Dan Duong Palace in thisarea.
The excavation of Duong Xuan Mound took placefrom September 30 to October 15 last year by the Thua Thien-Hue Museum ofHistory and the Institute of Archaeology, aiming to gain insight into the TaySon Dynasty of King Quang Trung.
Researchers collected hundreds of relics at theexcavation site such as urns, porcelain, and pebble grounds that could be thebase of architectural structures or pedestals.
Those artifacts suggest Duong Xuan Mound datesback to between the 17th and the 19th century.
Due to the small excavated area, the provincialmuseum and the Institute of Archaeology asked the Ministry of Culture, Sportsand Tourism and relevant agencies to design a master plan to expand research.
They also called for other organisations andscientists to join in the study to settle controversial issues relating to themound, including whether this was where King Quang Trung built Dan Duong Palaceand was buried.-VNA