Army Games 2021 kicks off

The annual International Army Games began on August 22 across all venues, including Korla, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
Army Games 2021 kicks off ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Source: VNA)
Beijing (VNA) – The annual International Army Games began on August 22 across all venues, including Korla, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

At the Chinese venue, the 20-member Vietnamese People’s Army team will compete in the Safe Environment category.

The Army Games 2021, organised by Russia's Defence Ministry, is scheduled for August 22 – September 4 with 34 contests and 260 teams from 45 countries. Competition events will be held in Armenia, Algeria, Belarus, Vietnam, Iran, Kazakhstan, Qatar, China, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and Russia.

Vietnam is due to host the Military Medical Relay Race and Sniper Frontier contests.

This is also the fourth time Vietnam has taken part in the games, competing in the largest number of contests so far./.

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