Asian-African ministerial meeting opened in Indonesia

High-ranking officials from 77 countries participated in the Asian-African Ministerial Meeting (AAMM) held at the Jakarta Convention Centre in Indonesia on April 20.
High-ranking officials from 77 countries participated in the Asian-African Ministerial Meeting (AAMM) held at the Jakarta Convention Centre in Indonesia on April 20.

The meeting focused on completing preparations for the Asian-African Conference running from April 22-23 and commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference.

The AAMM also aims to boost South-South and intra-regional cooperation towards sustainable and prosperous development in the two continents.

Speaking at the ceremony, Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi reiterated the historical significance of the 1955 Bandung Conference, highlighting the need to bring Asian-African cooperation to a more practical and effective level.

She emphasised the importance of implementing democracy and upholding human rights and equality in Asian and African countries and globally.

She confirmed Indonesia will join efforts to strengthen South-South cooperation.

Held in Bandung from April 18 to 24, 1955, the initial Asian-African Conference marked the first time that 29 Asian and African countries gathered to join hands to determine their own future.

The conference resulted in the 10-point Bandung Declaration, in which most of the principles of the United Nations were incorporated. They have become the fundamental values in promoting cooperation among nations in the two continents.

The event created a driving force for many colonised countries in the two continents to fight for their independence. It also laid the foundation for the establishment of other frameworks and groups, including the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), Group 77 and the South-South Cooperation Agreement.-VNA

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