Automobile sales soar by 60 percent in July

As many as 20,349 automobiles were sold in July, an increase of 9 percent from June and 61 percent compared to the same period last year.
 Automobile sales soar by 60 percent in July ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: VNS/VNA)

As many as 20,349 automobiles were sold in July, an increase of 9 percent from June and 61 percent compared to the same period last year, the Vietnam Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (VAMA) revealed in its July sales report on August 6.

The figure includes 11,647 passenger cars and 7,862 commercial vehicles, up by 19.2 percent and 0.4 percent, respectively, since June, while only 840 special-purpose vehicles were sold last month, down by 22.4 percent.

The volume of Complete Knock Down (CKD) vehicles rose by 4 percent monthly to 15,013 units in July and the volume of Complete Built Up (CBU) vehicles totalled 5,336 units, up by 26 percent.

Among VAMA members, Truong Hai Auto led the way, selling 6,827 units last month, accounting for 37.6 percent of total sales, followed by Toyota Vietnam with 4,551 units and 25.7 percent. Ford Vietnam came third, far behind with 1,405 units, accounting for 7.9 percent of sales.

The volume of imported CBU from non-VAMA members jumped by 59 percent in the first seven months of 2015 to 109,399 units. In conclusion, both CKD and CBU vehicles have enjoyed strong growth, up by 56 percent and 67 percent, respectively.-VNA


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