Belgian organisation helps Quang Nam improve pre-school education

The central province of Quang Nam and the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance of Belgium have agreed to cooperate in improving local pre-school education.
Belgian organisation helps Quang Nam improve pre-school education ảnh 1A kindergarten in Quang Nam province (Source:

The central province of Quang Nam and the Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (VVOB) of Belgium have agreed to cooperate in improving local pre-school education.

The consensus was reached during a meeting between representatives of the provincial People’s Committee and the association in Tam Ky city on September 23.

The VVOB will assist Quang Nam province in advancing the capacity of managers and principals of kindergartens in the locality.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Chin spoke highly of the VVOB’s support and pledged to facilitate the cooperation programme between the two sides.

Since 2014, the VVOB has provided Quang Nam province with assistance worth more than 3.1 billion VND (137,900 USD) to carry out kindergarten-primary education and carrier guidance programmes.

The two programmes have been practically and sustainably efficient, increasing the education quality in targeted localities, including Phu Ninh, Nui Thanh, Tien Phuoc, Que Son, Hiep Duc and Nam Giang districts and Dien Ban town.

Quang Nam province has met all the criteria of the Ministry of Education and Training in popularising education for children under five years old.

The VVOB has been working in Vietnam since 1992. The initial approach of sending substitutes was soon replaced with projects in education and agricultural extension. In 2008, an education programme and an agricultural extension programme were initiated and complemented with a programme in career guidance in 2011.-VNA


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