Hanoi (VNS/VNA) - Thefirst bilingual book about Vietnamese costumes in the 15th century has beenreleased.
Thebook, entitled Det Nen Trieu Dai (Weaving A Realm), aimsto reconstruct the rituals and fashion of Vietnamese in the early Le Dynasty from 1437 to 1471.
Thebook is compiled by a team of Vietnamese expatriates all over the world led byNguyen Ngoc Phuong Dong.
Thebook has 224 colourful pages in two parts.
The15th-century fashion is recreated based on reputable resources such as Ngan Nam Ao Mu (Thousandsof Years of History of Vietnam’sTraditional Costumes) by scholar Tran Quang Duc; artefacts; statues andpaintings in temples, pagodas and museums.
Therituals are recreated based on the records of scholar and historian Phan Huy Chu (1782-1840).
"Theancient clothing of Vietnamese is descriptively reproduced through bothlanguage and images," said Dong.
"Itis a gift to those who love to explore a part of their national culture andhistory."
Recognisingthe care and the need to learn about ancestor’s clothing culture from thecommunity, Vietnam Centre raised funds in 2018 to make the book.
VietnamCentre is a non-profit organisation based in Sydney, Australia. It works topromote Vietnamese culture to the world hoping to introduce Vietnameseheritage and the splendour of its 4,000-year-old civilisation tointernational friends.
Thebook is sold to raise funds. The price will be initially discounted to 200,000 VND (roughly 9 USD) compared to the official price of250,000 VND.
Acollection of a hard cover, signed book; e-book; and one paper doll bookincluding two models and ten sets of historical clothing will cost 500,000 VND.
Thesame collection and a full set of early Le Dynasty clothing of noble women shrunkento one sixth the size for action figures or dolls will cost 2 million VND.
Those who are interested can pay6 million VND to own a collection andone set of historical clothing created by a skilled artisan based on thebuyer's body shape and size, made out of traditional Vietnamese silk.
Buyerscan call 01688.888.262 for further information./.