Book on Uncle Ho featured in Germany

A book entitled “Ho Chi Minh – A Chronicle” was presented to German readers by its author, journalist Hellmut Kapfenberger, in Berlin recently.
A book entitled “Ho Chi Minh – A Chronicle” was presented to German readers by its author, journalist Hellmut Kapfenberger, in Berlin recently.

This was the fourth time the book has been brought to the atttention of German readers since it was first published in 2009. The event was jointly held by cadres who had worked at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and Solidarity Service International (SODI).

At the event, which attracted nearly 100 readers who were interested in Vietnam , Hellmut summarised the biography of President Ho Chi Minh and read two chapters of the book.

He said that he had tried to complete the book on the 119 th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s birthday and presented it to the German public before it was translated into Vietnamese and published in Hanoi on the occasion of the 120 th anniversary of the former President’s birthday.

Journalist Hellmut Kapfenberger lived and worked in Vietnam as a correspondent of the Eastern German news agency ADN and New Germany newspaper during 1970-73 and 1980-84.

With deep sentiments and respect towards President Ho Chi Minh he had collected documents and articles as well as met with Vietnamese Party and State leaders and people to study about Uncle Ho with a desire to write a book on the Vietnamese celebrity. His dream came true in 2009 when “Ho Chi Minh – A Chronicle” was published in Germany by the Neues Leben Publishing House./.

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