Upper secondary teachers of English teaching in Vietnam will havean opportunity to take part in a competition on using a bilingualwebsite.
The competition will be launched in Ho Chi Minh Cityon Sept. 17 by the British Council and the Ministry of Education andTraining.
People, who pay concerns to the competition, can visitthe website at www.teachingenglish.edu.vn and deadline forcompetitors to send their entries to the British Council will be Nov.15.
Three first prize winners of the competition will receivetrips to the UK and three second prize winners will visit Singapore.
According to Nguyen Vinh Hien, Deputy Minister of Educationand Training, the site is a very useful source of materials for bothteachers and learners of English in Vietnam, especially for uppersecondary school sector, which can help meet the need for strengtheningthe English teaching and learning capacity as the country isimplementing the project on teaching and learning foreign languages inthe national education system in the 2008-2020 period.
BritishCouncil Deputy Director Simon Beardow said that the website is a greatexample of how British Council’s Access English project remainscommitted to working in partnership with the Ministry of Education andTraining to provide teachers of English across Vietnam with access toquality teaching resources and opportunities to engage with otherEnglish teachers from around the world.
Access English is afour-year project developed and run by the British Council inpartnership with education sectors in Indonesia, Japan, the Republic ofKorea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand andVietnam.
The project aims to provide support to changes inEnglish Language Teaching in three areas: support for policy makers,lecturers and teachers./.