The textile sculpture “Weaving the Ocean” is created fromplastic threads using ropes found on the shorelines and mangroves on the coastof Bali. It is an inspiration of Indonesian artist Ari Bayuaji.
The inspiration came to Ari during the pandemic, while walkingon the beach, where he found that many roots of mangrove trees were tangled inplastic ropes, and he decided to use the plastic as material for weaving. Theartist’s project engaged local people when the economic situation in Bali wasdifficult due to the absence of tourists, while at the same time it contributedtowards raising awareness on the importance of preserving natural resources.
In Ari’s words, “The answer is to be found in nature. Innature we can find hope for a better future. Interweaving our culture andnature in a harmonious manner is one of most hopeful things human beings cando.” He believes this project and his idea of replacing vanishing materialswith new “natural” materials easily found can be replicated in many countries.
In Brussels, the sculptural textile invites youth from bothregions to express their views and expectations about the future of EU - ASEANrelations and what they believe the leaders’ priority of action should be.Their wishes, thoughts and concerns will be gathered online and published when the EU-ASEAN Commemorative Summit takes place on December 14, 2022.
The exhibition tells the story of the partnership betweenthe EU and ASEAN through historical photos of high-level meetings,showcasing the depth and breadth of this cooperation, elevated to a StrategicPartnership in 2020 to solve global challenges together: be it the pandemic,economic relations, security, education, the green transition, or others.
It also displays testimonial videos featuring ambassadors, politicians, youngleaders and journalists from the EU and ASEAN who have contributed to thisregion-to-region partnership in the past 45 years.
The exhibition will last until December 14./.