Buddha’s birthday celebrated in Quang Ninh

The Executive Board of the Buddhist Sangha in Quang Ninh province held a ceremony to mark the 2555th birthday of the Buddha at the Trinh Pagoda at the foot of Yen Tu Mount in Uong Bi city on May 10.
The Executive Board of the Buddhist Sangha in Quang Ninh province held a ceremony to mark the 2555 th birthday of the Buddha at the Trinh Pagoda at the foot of Yen Tu Mount in Uong Bi city on May 10.

At the ceremony, Venerable Thich Thanh Quyet, permanent member of the Executive Board of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) Central Committee and Head of the Executive Board of the VBS Quang Ninh chapter, emphasised the significance of the Buddha’s birth anniversary and called on Buddhist followers as well as people to look towards the fine humanitarian values of the Buddhism.

He affirmed that the patriotic Buddhism always travels with the Vietnamese nation in each historical stage.

Traditional Buddhist rituals praying for peaceful nation, happy people, favourable weather conditions and bumper crops were solemnly organised during the ceremony./.

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