Cambodian, Thai commanders vow to avoid clashes

Cambodian and Thai frontline commanders met near Preah Vihear temple on November 12 to build mutual trust to avoid any clashes between the two countries' armies after the International Court of Justice issued a verdict on the land around the temple.
Cambodian and Thai frontline commanders met near Preah Vihear temple on November 12 to build mutual trust to avoid any clashes between the two countries' armies after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued a verdict on the land around the temple.

The meeting was held between Gen. Srey Doek, commander of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Division 3 in Preah Vihear province, and Gen. Tarakorn Thannavinthon, commander of the Royal Thai Army Division 6.

The two commanders also agreed to comply with the ICJ's judgment over the disputed land around the temple.

The situation at Preah Vihear temple is calm and people visited the temple as usual on November 12, Gen. Thul Sovan, deputy commander of Preah Vihear temple frontline region, said after the meeting.

The ICJ ruled on November 11 that the disputed 4.6 sq km area around the ancient Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia.

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen expressed his satisfaction with the court’s verdict, considering it an important milestone in the country’s history.

In his speech on Cambodian national television, the PM said that the verdict clearly shows the Cambodian government's efforts in settling the dispute with Thailand peacefully and based on international law.

He also urged the two countries’ troops along the border to remain calm, exercising utmost restraint, and avoiding any activities that could lead to tension or clashes in order to provide possibilities for the two governments to discuss the implementation of the verdict.-VNA

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