Carbon credit market: New opportunities for Vietnamese businesses

The formation of the carbon credit market will help Vietnam achieve its net zero emissions goal by 2050. At the same time, Vietnamese businesses will also have many new opportunities from this hundred billion USD market.

According to statistics from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Vietnam ranked 5th among countries that create carbon credit.

According to experts, participating in the carbon credit market is both an opportunity and a challenge for Vietnamese businesses to keep pace with domestic and international markets for requirements of green production, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction and sustainable development.

The carbon market admission demonstrates businesses’ commitment to sustainable development and will help enhance their image in attracting investment and customers. From there, they find that they need to innovate technology.

On the other hand, businesses have the motivation to apply advanced technology to reduce GHG emissions and improve production efficiency.

Currently, 1,912 businesses nationwide are required to inventory and report their level of GHG emissions (mainly carbon emissions) in the fields of energy, transportation, construction and waste management.

In the coming time, businesses in the agricultural production sector will also have to make an inventory of emissions./.