Commemorative summit to step up EU – ASEAN longstanding relationship: European expert

The ASEAN-EU Summit will provide a political framework for the longstanding relationship between the two sides, said Pierre Gréga, Director of the Development, Rehabilitation, Integration and Security (DRIS) centre.
Commemorative summit to step up EU – ASEAN longstanding relationship: European expert ảnh 1Pierre Gréga, Director of the Development, Rehabilitation, Integration and Security (DRIS) centre (Photo: VNA)
Brussels (VNA) – The ASEAN-EU Summit will provide a political framework for the longstanding relationship between the two sides, said Pierre Gréga, Director of the Development, Rehabilitation, Integration and Security (DRIS) centre.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency on the occasion of the summit commemorating the 45th anniversary of the EU - ASEAN relations in Belgium, Gréga highlighted the cooperative relations between the two organisations, saying that this covers various aspects.

It will strengthen orientations of the strategic framework adopted by the two sides in 2020 which defines the relationship between the two regional organisations based on shared values and principles, he noted.

The EU-ASEAN cooperation contributes to enhancing global political stability on the basis of mutual respect, thus promoting trade relations, he went on.

However, he noted that the EU-ASEAN relations also face the challenge of maintaining an international order based on common rules and multilateralism accepted by all parties.

Regarding the prospect of EU-ASEAN cooperation in the future, Gréga said the EU-ASEAN relations will support all member states in their transition schemes towards increasingly sustainable development. 

The cooperation will promote investment of their member countries in sustainable production and consumption, stimulate the development of circular economy, especially in global actions to protect the environment, Gréga said.

The future of the relations is clearly based on strengthening existing cooperation, including the ASEAN-EU Comprehensive Air Transport Agreement (ASEAN-EU CATA) signed at the 28th ASEAN Transport Ministers' Meeting in Indonesia in October this year, he added.  

Regarding the role by Vietnam in promoting the ASEAN – EU cooperation, the expert said Vietnam needs to take advantage of its good relations with most of the EU member states to boost the relationship./.

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