Cuban researcher hails outcomes of Vietnam’s National Party Congress

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress was a milestone and turning point, laying the premise for the following terms and ensuring that Vietnam will fulfill the national development goals toward 2030 and its vision to 2045, said Ruvislei González Sáez, an expert on Asian studies at the Cuban international policy research centre.
Cuban researcher hails outcomes of Vietnam’s National Party Congress ảnh 1Ruvislei González Sáez, an expert on Asian studies at the Cuban international policy research centre (Source: VNA)

Havana (VNA) – The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)’s 13th National Congress was a milestone and turning point, laying the premise for the following terms and ensuring that Vietnam will fulfill the national development goals toward 2030 and its vision to 2045, said Ruvislei González Sáez, an expert on Asian studies at the Cuban international policy research centre.

According to the scholar, also Vice President of the Cuba – Vietnam Friendship Association, the congress fulfilled its agenda despite ending one day earlier than schedule. Vietnam also promptly activated its COVID-19 prevention and control mechanisms at national level.

The pandemic challenge showed the ruling party’s mettle and outstanding leadership when the country was among top nations worldwide in combating COVID-19 and achieved impressive growth in 2020, the expert noted.

He said the congress, closely observed by international community, took place following a large-scale collective consultation, helping the CPV attract feedback from not only its members but also former leaders, experts, and people from all walks of life in the country and overseas.

He highlighted the Party’s leadership and close monitoring have contributed to improving local living standards via poverty reduction, job creation, electrification, and technological development, among others.

The expert said the outcomes of the congress’s election demonstrated that the CPV does not depend on rigid stereotypes but moves according to the national interests and progresses in specific circumstances.  

He considered the Party’s aim of turning the nation into a developed country by 2045 an ambitious but possible one.

He stated Vietnam has brought about lessons on building socialism in the process of perfecting the operation of state-owned enterprises – the economic sector with the most impressive productivity growth over the past year.

Ruvislei González concluded that the congress defined the short, medium and long-term development orientations for Vietnam./. 


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