Dang Thuy Tram’s diary published in French

The French version of “The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram” was published by French publisher Philippe Picquier on August 20 with the title “Dang Thuy Tram – Notebooks found during 1968-1970.”
The French version of “The Diary of Dang Thuy Tram” was published by French publisher Philippe Picquier on August 20 with the title “Dang Thuy Tram – Notebooks found during 1968-1970.”

In an article announcing the publication in France’s Le Nouvel Observateur (New Observer magazine), the author, Didier Jacob, talked about the journey of martyr Dr Dang Thuy Tram’s handbooks, which were discovered by a US secret agent after he survived a battle during the war in Vietnam.

The author described Dang Thuy Tram as an enthusiastic girl who was willing to sacrifice herself for her motherland.

He said that the French version provides more information about the US war in Vietnam , which is usually presented in a one-sided manner by the American media.
The diary was translated by Jean-Claude Garcias, who previously lived in Vietnam for two years. It took him 2-3 years to read and translate it into French.

Currently, Jean-Claude Garcias is translating another Vietnamese book into French which tells the story of a child who lives in the Mekong Delta, which is expected to become available to French readers next year./.

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