Dong Nai (VNA) – In the first six month of thisyear, the southern Dong Nai province attracted 1.02 billion USD of foreigndirect investment, or 102 percent of the target set for the whole year and 8.03percent higher than the figure of the same period last year.
The provincial Statistics Office further revealed that amongthe FDI, 48 projects were new with a combined registered capital of 514 millionUSD, and 512 operational projects added 512.3 million USD to their existingcapital.
Major new FDI projects include those from the Republic ofKorea with capital amounting to 100 million USD.
Representatives of the provincial Department of Planning andInvestment said the projects are those of high technology, environmentallyfriendly and suitable to the province’s investment attraction policy.
So far, Dong Nai province has attracted a total of 1,420 FDIprojects with a combined capital of nearly 29.6 billion USD. Investors in theprovince are from 43 countries and territories, led by the Republic of Korea,Taiwan (china), and Japan.-VNA