Efforts to maintain progress in public investment disbursement

The Ministry of Transport has made disbursement a top priority, swiftly tackling bottlenecks with on-site task forces. By mid-year, the Ministry reported a 42% disbursement rate, solidifying its status as a leading performer nationwide.

The Ministry of Transport has effectively reallocated funds across project management units, tied responsibilities to individual leaders, and developed specific construction plans aimed at meeting objectives and shortening project timelines. This approach led to a disbursement of over $1 billion, exceeding the planned target.

Project Management Unit 6 achieved a 55% disbursement rate in the first half of the year, leading the transport sector.

Building on lessons from previous expressway projects, this unit focused on resolving legal procedures and maintaining a round-the-clock construction schedule, aiming to fully disburse funds by year-end and accelerate the progress of its assigned North-South expressway projects.

Recognising land clearance and material supply as persistent challenges, other project management units have also committed all resources to their assigned tasks. Their focus on action over delay ensures timely acceptance of construction volumes and accurate payment records.

These results highlight the sector’s efforts in overcoming challenges and advancing public investment disbursement. Still, the Ministry of Transport's leadership remains focused on achieving the year-end target, urging continued effort to disburse the allocated over $2.5 billion for 2024.

Despite receiving less public investment funding than the previous year, the Ministry of Transport continues to treat disbursement as a top political priority, emphasising genuine progress on the ground while avoiding corruption, waste, and inefficiency./.