Theyinclude the taxation departments of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Phong, QuangNinh, Binh Dinh and Phu Tho.
Accordingto the General Department of Taxation, in the first phase, thedeployment of electronic invoices in those six cities and provinces willplay a decisive role in providing e-invoices nationwide. Enterprises in thoselocalities account for 60 percent of the total number of operating enterprises,and 70 percent of invoices nationwide.
Thisis an important milestone in implementing the General Department of Taxation'selectronic invoice system from mid-November 2021.
GeneralDirector of the General Department of Taxation Cao Anh Tuan said this systemwould solve questions and problems from individuals and enterprises regardinge-invoices.
Thissystem would help the General Department of Taxation organise anddirect the application of e-invoices for those six taxation departments,before expanding to the taxation departments of 57 other provinces and citiesnext.
Thesystem of seven centres will ensure smooth operation and timely sharing ofinformation and experiences via an online platform, Tuan said.
Atthe same time, the General Department of Taxation and local taxationdepartments will provide a 24-hour hotline to solve questions and problems fromtaxpayers.
Thecentres will also be responsible for reporting on the progress of implementationof electronic invoices, as well as any problems that occur.
Atthe moment, 99.72 percent of businesses nationwide have made electronic taxdeclarations and 98.71 percent of them have implemented electronic taxpayments. About 98.64 percent of them have carried out electronic tax refunds,according to the general department.
Thisis especially important in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which haslimited direct physical contact.
Topromote further modernisation of the tax sector, the General Department ofTaxation has also proposed the issuing of circulars and decrees on themanagement of invoices for the sale of goods and services.
FromJuly 1, 2022, all enterprises, economic organisations, business households andindividuals shall make electronic invoices, excluding small and mediumenterprises, cooperatives, and business households and individuals who do nothave online transactions with tax authorities.
Thisis an important legal basis for transforming the method of managing and using electronicinvoices, saving costs for businesses and society, and improving efficiency inthe administration and management of both businesses and tax offices./.