Exhibition marks Hanoi’s Liberation Day

Nearly 150 documents and objects were put on display at the Hanoi Museum on October 11 to mark the 62nd anniversary of the Liberation Day of the capital from French colonial regime.
Exhibition marks Hanoi’s Liberation Day ảnh 1An old photo of Long Bien bridge (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Nearly 150 documents and objects were put on display at the Hanoi Museum on October 11 to mark the 62nd anniversary of the Liberation Day of the capital from French colonial regime.

The exhibits, selected from over 400 documents and objects collected by the Museum and donated by organisations and individuals in 2015 and 2016, feature pottery and architecture from feudal dynasties and Long Bien Bridge, among others.

Painter Phung Di Thuan from Hanoi, donated three paintings namely “Se tro ve giai phong thu do” (Will return to liberate the capital), “Nguoi quyet tu quan” (A soldier willing to devote his life for the capital), “Hanoi mua dong nam 1946” (Hanoi in 1946 winter).

The three pieces, painted when he was 10 years old, depict his admiration for Hanoi’s soldiers and his confidence in victory, said the artist.

Colonel Tran Van presented dozens of objects related to the Bat Sat intelligence team which comprised of teenagers aged from 12-16 and operated in French-occupied Hanoi from late 1946 to 1948. Tran Van himself used to be a member of the team.

Nguyen Thi Tho from Hanoi donated a steel comb made from a piece of debris of a F4 fighter plane. Director of the Hanoi Museum Nguyen Tien Da said the exhibits will contribute to promoting understanding of national traditions.-VNA


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