Exhibition promotes Mother Goddess worship

A spiritual and cultural space opened in the northern province of Nam Dinh on December 25 to provide an insight into the distinctive features and values of the ritual of worshipping Mother Goddesses.
 Exhibition promotes Mother Goddess worship ảnh 1Visitors at the exhibition (Photo: VNA)

Nam Dinh (VNA) – A spiritual and cultural space opened in the northern province of Nam Dinh on December 25 to provide an insight into the distinctive features and values of the ritual of worshipping Mother Goddesses in Vietnam.

According to Nguyen Van Thu, director of the Nam Dinh museum, the folk belief with a long history was closely linked with the nation’s wet rice civilisation.

It reflects great moral values that remind people to respect their origins, with the mother placed at the heart. It is a combination of various aspects of folk culture, including music, language, traditional handicraft, architect, costume, and cuisine.

The exhibition looks towards an UNESCO intangible cultural heritage recognition granted to the folk belief.

Nam Dinh is among Mother Goddess worship centres nationwide, possessing 287 temples and vestiges relating to the belief.-VNA


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