Tourists from this ASEAN country have doubled their expenditure whiletravelling in Vietnam, increasing from 1,124.7 USD in 2017 to 2,257.8 USD in2019.
Belgian tourists ranked second with 1,995.3 USD,followed by travellers from the US (1,709.7 USD), Australia (1,416.5 USD),Denmark (1,383.5 USD), and Norway (1,346.2 USD).
The top ten countries with the highest spending while visiting Vietnam alsoinclude the Netherlands (1,317.5 USD), Canada (1,315.5 USD), the UK (1,212.7USD), and Germany (1,283.2 USD).
On the other end of the spectrum, the touristsspending the least were from Laos, with an average expenditure of only 343.5USD per person, followed by Cambodia (734.9 USD), Indonesia (804.9 USD), and theRepublic of Korea (838.4 USD).
Overall, the report showed that the average expenditure of internationaltourists visiting Vietnam has slightly increased from 1,141.5 USD in 2017 to 1,151.7USD in 2019.
The most significant portion of the average spending went towardsaccommodation, accounting for over 30% (or 347.2 USD). Spending on food made up21.9% (or 251.9 USD), local transportation 16% (184.6 USD), sightseeing 9% (103.2USD), and shopping 12.4% (142.7 USD).
Vietnam officially reopened to tourism on March15, 2022. In 2022, the country received nearly 3.7 million internationalvisitors, a 23.3-fold increase compared to the previous year but only about 20%of the figure in 2019.
In 2023, Vietnam has set a target of welcoming eight million internationaltourists (in the beginning of the year, before its biggest tourist sendingmarket China officially announced reopening plans), aiming for a total revenueof 650 trillion VND. In the first six months of the year, the tourism industryhas received nearly 5.6 million visitors, reaching 70% of the set plan./.