An acclaimed French documentary was screened in Hanoi for the first time on May 4, featuring the daily life of the Black Lo Lo ethnic group in Vietnam's Cao Bang province.
The film Rendez-vous in an Unknown Region with Black Lo Lo People features the famous French rugby player Frederic Michalak, who lives with the Black Lo Lo people and discovers that they are "unique people who are fantastic and sentimental". He also learns about their tradition of planting rice that has been passed on for centuries.
The film was shown on the France 2 channel in November last year and won praise from the public.
There are more than 4,000 Lo Lo people of both Black and White groups living in northeastern Vietnam , about 30km away from the Chinese border. They are among the smallest ethnic groups in Vietnam.-VNA
The film Rendez-vous in an Unknown Region with Black Lo Lo People features the famous French rugby player Frederic Michalak, who lives with the Black Lo Lo people and discovers that they are "unique people who are fantastic and sentimental". He also learns about their tradition of planting rice that has been passed on for centuries.
The film was shown on the France 2 channel in November last year and won praise from the public.
There are more than 4,000 Lo Lo people of both Black and White groups living in northeastern Vietnam , about 30km away from the Chinese border. They are among the smallest ethnic groups in Vietnam.-VNA