Ha Giang (VNA) – The first container ofpickled daikon in 2024 from the northern province of Ha Giang was exported toJapan on February 19 within the cooperation inthe value chain linkage between Ha Giang and the Vietnam Misaki Co., Ltd.
Secretary of the Xin Man district PartyCommittee Hoang Nhi Son said that the locality has focused on developing typical agriculturalproducts along the value chain of high-quality goods in order to help ethnicpeople there tap their agricultural economic potential whileincreasing incomes for the locals and bringing the province’s agriculturalproduct brand to the world.
Hoang Thi Lap, director of the Vietnam Misaki Co., Ltd. revealedthat in 2024, the company will continue to develop and expand raw materialareas, invest in more modern machinery and equipment, and expand the production tomeet the increasing quantity and quality requirements.
The company has provided farmers with high-qualityseeds and fertiliser.
Under the cooperative programme, exportsinclude pickled onion, daikon, ginger, and bamboo shoot. The Japanese side has also completed the preliminary processing facilities for daikon with aproduction scale of 1,000 tonnes per year./.