First mass wedding organised in Hanoi

As many as 10 couples got married in Hanoi ’s first-ever collective wedding, which was held at the Thinh Liet Primary School in Hoang Mai district on March 17.
As many as 10 couples got married in Hanoi ’s first-ever collective wedding, which was held at the Thinh Liet Primary School in Hoang Mai district on March 17.

The municipal and Hoang Mai district chapters of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union ( HCM CYU) organised the wedding for the union’s members living in Thinh Liet ward. It is in line with the municipal Party Committee’s directive on promoting new-style weddings that are joyful, healthy and economical in the city.

Before the wedding, the couples offered incense at the monument to heroes and martyrs in Thinh Liet ward.

On this occasion, Secretary of the municipal Party Committee Pham Quang Nghi sent his congratulations to the couples.

Following the mass wedding, the municipal HCM CYU chapter launched the “Young Family” club with the ten couples being its first members.

Club members will meet every month to discuss issues on reproductive health and soft skills. They will actively encourage local youths and people to follow the civilised lifestyle in weddings.

In March 2013, the municipal HCM CYU chapter plans to organise more mass weddings in Ha Dong and Dong Anh districts.-VNA

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