Foreign capital inflows to Indonesia double in January

Foreign capital inflows to the Indonesian financial market doubled to over 46 trillion IDR (3.54 billion USD) by the end of January, compared to 17 trillion IDR in the same period last year.
Foreign capital inflows to Indonesia double in January ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: AFP)

Jakarta (VNA) - Foreign capital inflows to the Indonesian financial market doubled to over 46 trillion IDR (3.54 billion USD) by the end of January, compared to 17 trillion IDR in the same period last year, according to Bank Indonesia (BI).

With the increasing foreign capital inflows, the central bank believes the rupiad’s exchange rate will remain stable despite the impacts of external risks. 

BI Governor Agus Martowardojo said the foreign capital inflows rose amid the low inflation rate of 3.61 percent and the current account deficit projected to be less than 2 percent of the national gross domestic product in 2017.

In addition, the rising trend was also related to Fitch Ranging`s upgrading of the country’s rating to the second lowest investment grade last year.

The Governor stated that macro-economic stability remains stable despite pressure on inflation due to rising food prices in the first month of the year.

In 2018, the country aims to keep the inflation rate at 2.5-4.5 percent, he noted, adding that its Government is taking efforts to control food prices.-VNA


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