Over 3.4 trillion VND was declared and paid through an electronic portal dedicated to them, which was put into operation on March 21,2022. To date, 57 foreign suppliers have registered to declare and pay taxesthrough the portal.
Since then, tax payments by foreign suppliers have been valued at morethan 7.36 trillion VND.
According to Director of the GDT’s Large Taxpayers DivisionNguyen Bang Thang, with the operation of the portal over the past more than oneyear, Vietnam has affirmed its position as one of the four countries leading ASEAN interms of applying cross-border tax collection through one portal.
Tax authorities will continue to create maximum favourableconditions for foreign suppliers and domestic organisations so that they canexpand operations in Vietnam.
On the other hand, they will apply strict sanctions andhandle organisations that intentionally commit tax violations in accordancewith law, Thang added./.