Forum seeks to boost technological cooperation, transfer

Representatives from domestic and foreign financial investment funds, business development organisations and projects gathered at an international forum in Thai Nguyen on November 10.
Forum seeks to boost technological cooperation, transfer ảnh 1At the event (Photo:

Thai Nguyen (VNA) – Representatives from domestic and foreign financial investment funds, business development organisations and projects gathered at an international forum in the northern province of Thai Nguyen on November 10 to discuss ways to promote cooperation, investment and technological transfer. 

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Tran Van Tung said the forum indicated the ministry’s effort to enable local enterprises and organisations to get access to advanced technologies and equipment. 

The move is expected to help domestic enterprises renovate their production and business processes, and produce high-quality and high-value products, thereby contributing to socio-economic development of regions and the whole country, he said. 

During the course of the forum, delegates discussed solutions to develop input materials, market demands, agricultural production and green technologies, and financial and technical assistance. 

Many of them stressed the need to complete a legal framework for the scientific and technological market, promote the enforcement of the Law on Intellectual Property and encourage innovation and renovated management in the fields of agriculture and green and clean technologies. 

Domestic organisations and firms networked with foreign partners to explore the possibility of cooperation and investment in technology. 

Many Vietnamese enterprises showed their desires to cooperate with partners both at home and abroad in developing new technologies and equipment, especially energy efficiency as well as waste, dust and noise treatment equipment.-VNA


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