Vinh Long (VNA) - A kindhearted couple in the Mekong Delta provinceof Vinh Long has run a free shelter for kidney dialysis patients and theirrelatives for more than two years, sharing their financial burden and givingthem a second home.
As they need kidney dialysis once every two days, the patients who live farfrom the hospital feel lucky to be offered accommodation at a housing complexin Binh Minh town, Vinh Long province owned by Tran Van Hien and Nguyen Thi KimHong.
The 300sq.m house has three separate areas, two for beds where the patientsrest and one for a common space where families of kidney dialysis patientscook, eat and do daily activities together.
Tran Van Hien, the house owner, said after visiting the hospital, he and hiswife witnessed many kidney dialysis patients who were in pain forced to rest inthe hospital’s lobby.
The kidney dialysis patients and their families face dual financial and healthburdens. They not only run out of money but their health deteriorates aftermany times on dialysis and travelling back and forth from home to the hospital,he said.
Hien said he and his wife decided to buy a land lot and build a house forkidney dialysis patients and the homeless elderly, adding they visit thepatients and bring them food and take care of them every day.
The patients no longer have to travel by themselves to the hospital for dailykidney dialysis because Hien contacts local drivers to offer free rides to CanTho city’s Central Hospital.
At first, they spent their own money to maintain the house, but then theirfriends lent a hand, he said.
“We only hope we have enough sources to maintain the house so that it willcontinue to be the second home for the patients during their difficult time offighting illness.”
Returning from the hospital after her husband's four-hour dialysis session, NguyenThi Be, 72 years old, said they had been struggling with the illness for 10years and were financially and physically exhausted.
“Last year we were lucky to be offered accommodation here. Living here iscomfortable, like being at home. Everything from accommodation and food isfree. We are not only offered accommodation but more importantly, we have otherpeople who are in the same circumstances sharing with us. In spite of theillness and feeling tired, the patients think positively thanks to thesympathy,” Be said.
Nguyen Thi Kim Hong, Hien’s wife, goes to the market every day to buy food andcook for the patients.
“Everyone talks to each other and cooks together like a family,” she said.
Vo Thi Dien, 63 years old, a patient, said: “From strangers, we have becomeclose friends after a few months living here. In difficulties, we have beensaved and had a chance to meet each other. This house has become our secondhome where healthy people help sick ones. Whenever anyone has a problem, weencourage and help each other.”
“In spite of our efforts, we still feel heartbroken each time hearing aboutsomeone who could not survive the illness," Hien said.
“Seven people living here could not continue their journey. Some of them didnot have relatives by their sides when they passed away. Me, my wife andeveryone living in the house regard ourselves as their relatives to organisethe funerals.”
“I just hope I can do more for the patients so that they feel optimistic andovercome the pain,” he said./.