Fully optimised internal strength to help develop Vietnamese culture

Without internal strengths fully brought into play, a country is unable to achieve fast and sustainable development, and the most important internal strength of a country is its people, an expert has said.
Fully optimised internal strength to help develop Vietnamese culture ảnh 1Culture is the spiritual foundation, a target, an impulse, and also an important internal strength for national development (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Hanoi (VNA) – In recent years, the cultural and art industry of Vietnam has created more and more cultural ideas and products such as films and online games that have become well-known not only in the country but also the world.

It has proven that if their wisdom and potential are properly capitalised on, people will become the strength and an important resource for promoting the innovation process and realising the aspiration for a prosperous and happy nation.

Dr Vu Thi Phuong Hau, Director of the Institute of Culture and Development under the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, said that promoting an advanced culture deeply imbued with national identity is both a requirement and a measure for realising the national development aspiration at present.

Without internal strengths fully brought into play, a country will be unable to achieve fast and sustainable development. The most important internal strength of a country is its people and their creations, she noted.

She held that it is necessary to translate the Party’s viewpoints into concrete policies and plans of action. The viewpoint that “bringing into the Vietnamese culture’s soft power” stated in the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, that took place in January this year, must be infused into development strategies, from cultural strategies to diplomatic and socio-economic development ones.

Throughout its leadership over the revolution of Vietnam, the Party has always affirmed the importance of culture, Hau said, noting that its documents have consistently underlined the role of culture in the development process. Culture is the spiritual foundation, a target, an impulse, and also an important internal strength for national development. It is the soft power of a country.

Fully optimised internal strength to help develop Vietnamese culture ảnh 2Authorities need to devise measures for preserving and promoting cultural heritage, investing in cultural tourism, and developing the cultural industry (Photo: VietnamPlus)

One of the focuses of this National Culture Conference is to identify which resources of Vietnamese culture can be transformed into “soft power.” In addition, authorities also need to work out measures for preserving and promoting cultural heritage, investing in cultural tourism, and making detailed plans on developing the cultural industry, according to her.

Echoing the view, musician Do Hong Quan, Chairman of the Vietnam Union of Literature and Arts Associations, said the National Culture Conference needs to deal with the issues mentioned in the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.

The tasks for the cultural sector were detailed in the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress. Besides, the resolution issued at the fifth meeting of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee emphasised that culture is the spiritual foundation of society. It is both a target and an impulse for socio-economic development. Resolution No. 22 requested that culture be integrated into the world. Meanwhile, Resolution No. 33 pointed out the necessity to develop a healthy cultural market, step up the development of the cultural industry, and boost popularising Vietnamese culture.

Quan said there haven’t been considerable strides in the implementation of those resolutions. He expressed his hope that the culture conference will receive proposals from veteran artists, State-owned establishments, as well as private businesses so as to successfully carry out the resolutions.

He also underscored the importance of nurturing future generations of artists in order to develop an advanced culture deeply imbued with national identity.

Le Thu Huong, a lecturer at the Vietnam National Academy of Music, said artists are always ready to make wholehearted dedications. However, at first, they should receive appropriate recognition and benefits that live up to their role, which will encourage them to have the best possible performance./.


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