Accordingly, they are comparison method, income-based method,surplus-based method and land price adjustment coefficient method.
In addition, the new decree also details conditions applying thosemethods.
Decree 12/2024/ND-CP amended and supplemented some articles ofDecree 44/2014/ND-CP dated May 15, 2014 regulating land prices, and Decree10/2023/ND-CP dated April 3, 2023 amended and supplemented some articles ofdecrees guiding the implementation of Land Law.
Under the new Land Law 2024, the land price list will be publishedon an annual basis with the first list applied from January 2026. On an annualbasis, the provincial/municipal People's Committee will propose to theprovincial/municipal People's Council adjustment, amendments and supplementsfor the land price list, which will become effective the following year.
The specific land price on the land price list is used as astarting price for auctioning land use rights when the State allocates landwith collection of land use fees, or leases land with a one-time fee for theentire lease period.
The natural resources and environment agency is responsible forhelping People's Committees at the same level carry out the determination ofspecific land prices.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Construction sets 17 specific tasks in2024, of which seven tasks are relating to the housing and real estate market.
Minister of Construction Nguyen Thanh Nghi emphasised key tasks,including housing development, especially social housing and housing forlow-income people, and management of real estate market to ensure healthy andstable development.
After housing and real estate trading laws are improved bypromulgating the Housing Law 2023 and the Real Estate Business Law 2023,legislative documents implementing these laws must be issued soon to ensurelegal uniformity.
They include a decree detailing and guiding the implementation ofsome articles of the Housing Law; a decree on renovating and rebuildingapartment buildings; a decree on social housing development and management; anda decree detailing and guiding the implementation of some articles of the Lawon Real Estate Business.
There is also a decree on building, managing and using informationsystems on housing and the real estate market; the Prime Minister's decision onpromulgating standards and norms for public housing; and the directive of theMinister of Construction on promoting the development of housing projects tobuild at least 1 million social housing units.
Regarding the targets for 2024, the construction industry aims toachieve 6.4 - 7.3% of GDP, and reach the national urbanisation rate of 43.7%.The average housing area is 26.5 sq.m of floor space per person, and the socialhousing supply reach 130,000 units./.