Hanoi (VNA) – Hanoi will mark 10 years of theexpansion of its administrative boundary on August 1 this year.
The expansion, carried out under the 12th NationalAssembly’s Resolution 15/2008/QH12, was a historic event with long-term andcomprehensive impacts and influence on the capital city’s political, economicand social situation.
After the expansion, the city’s economy continued to developat a high rate. The annual Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) growth rateaveraged 7.4 percent in the 2008-2017 period, and per capita income in 2017stood at 86 million VND (3,910 USD), a 2.3 time increase compared to 2008, theyear of the transition.
Hanoi has successfully mobilised and effectively usedresources for its development, especially investment in technical and socialinfrastructure. A series of modern and large-scale infrastructure projects havebeen completed during the period, including the T2 terminal of Noi Baiinternational airport, the elevated Belt Road No.3, the Nhat Tan-Noi Baihighway, the extended National Road No 5, several new bridges across the Hong(Red) River and seven flyovers in the city, contributing greatly to easing trafficjam in the inner city.
Towards the goal of building a modern capital city, Hanoialso focused efforts on building new-style rural areas, gaining remarkable achievements,one of which is the smaller gap in living conditions between urban and ruralareas.
During the past decade, the city has mobilised an average1.8 trillion VND (78.39 million USD) a year for the field. Per capita income in rural areasincreased threefold between 2008 and 2017, reaching 38 million VND a year in2017.
On the foundation of its achievements in the past 10 years andin the context of the country’s accelerating international integration process,Hanoi will have many more opportunities for stronger development across thefields. Furthermore, the Law on the Capital City, which took effect in early2013, has provided the city with particular mechanisms in some fields,facilitating its management and governance work. The law also stipulatesimportant orientations for the city to develop in a rapid, comprehensive and sustainablemanner.
Aftermerging with the whole neighbouring Ha Tay province, Me Linh district of VinhPhuc province and four communes of Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province, thecurrent Hanoi sprawls over 3,328 square kilometres, tripling the formeracreage. The city has 577 communes, districts and townships of 29 districts andtowns.-VNA