HCM City business link-ups flourish

Ho Chi Minh City’s cooperation programmes with southern provinces and Can Tho city have improved business and production links between them in recent years.
Ho Chi Minh City’s cooperation programmes with southern provinces and Can Tho city have improved business and production links between them in recent years.

Between 2000 and June 2011, the city invested 198.7 trillion VND (9.5 billion USD) in 782 projects in the Cuu Long ( Mekong ) Delta’s 12 provinces and Can Tho city under the programmes, according to the HCM City Development Research Institute.

The projects were in agriculture, industry, trade, tourism, science and technology, healthcare, education, information, culture, transport, and environment protection. The cooperation has helped foster socio-economic development, according to the localities.

The projects have improved the lives of locals and reduced the number of job seekers moving to HCM City.
The city too has benefited by securing supply of products from these projects, especially livestock an agriculture produce.

HCM City can only meet 20 percent of its demand for livestock and poultry meat and other foods, according to the municipal Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. A trade cooperation programme with the southern localities has helped improve trade one year after it began.

The city has identified the strengths of each province and built production-to-distribution chains for many goods that it consumes, especially agriculture and food.

Livestock and poultry meat is provided by Dong Nai, Ba Ria-Vung Tau, Long An, Tien Giang, and Tay Ninh provinces. Meanwhile, egg are supplies by Dong Nai, Long An, Tien Giang and Dong Thap.

Vegetables and fruits mainly come from Lam Dong, Long An and Tien Giang.-VNA

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