HCM City: Festival features international elegant cuisine

Cuisine experts and chefs from 20 countries and territories worldwide will show their excellent cooking and food decoration at the 10th Taste of the World Culinary Festival in Ho Chi Minh City.
HCM City: Festival features international elegant cuisine ảnh 1Food decoration by chefs from five-star hotels at last year event. (Source: VNA)

HCM City (VNA) - Cuisine experts and chefs from 20 countries and territories worldwide will show their excellent cooking and food decoration at the 10th Taste of the World Culinary Festival, which is scheduled in Ho Chi Minh City on December 3-6.

The annual event, organised by the municipal Department of Tourism, aims to promote Vietnamese tourism while popularising the country’s cuisine and images of land and people.

According to Deputy Director of the municipal Tourism Promotion Centre Nguyen Bao Anh, Vietnamese booths at the festival will feature typical local dishes in three regions to honour the country’s cuisine.

Special guests from the World Food Culture Centre in the Republic of Korea (RoK) will be present at the event to introduce, perform and teach how to cook Korean traditional dishes, Anh said.

A line-up of activities will be held during the festival, including setting up Vietnamese Guinness records on vegetarian dishes and vegetable and fruit carving, and tasting wines. Especially, Five-Star Hotel Chef event is expected to draw the participation of over 22 five-star hotels and top-end restaurants.

Last year, the event attracted more than 200,000 locals and foreigners.-VNA


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