The expansion will provide facilities for cultivation, breeding and aquaculture.
Underits orientation with a vision to 2020, the AHTP will build anagricultural high-tech zone for aquaculture in coastal Can Gio districtwith a total investment of 564 billion VND (26.6 million USD). This89.74ha zone is expected to be operational in 2017.
In addition, another area is planned for breeding in Binh Chanh district, covering 180ha.
The AHTP will expand the area for cultivation to 200 ha in Cu Chi district to attract investors in the field.
Putinto operation in 2010, the AHTP covers 88 ha in Cu Chidistrict. This is the country’s first agricultural high-tech parkspecialising in providing high quality seeds, researching andtransferring safe vegetable production models and farming technologiesto farmers, agricultural cooperatives and enterprises.
The park has so far attracted 14 projects with a total investment of 190 billion VND (about 9 million USD).-VNA