HCM City’s economy on road to recovery

Ho Chi Minh City’s economy has shown signs of recovery, seeing an increase in GDP from 7.5 to 8 percent this year.
Ho Chi Minh City’s economy has shown signs of recovery, seeing an increase in GDP from 7.5 to 8 percent this year.

The city’s social development investment capital reached 143 trillion VND, up 18.3 percent, and an industrial production value hit 442 trillion VND, up 7.5 percent.

The city also generated new jobs for 120,000 people, and reduced the rate of households living in poverty to 8 percent.

These positive signs were announced at the 17th session of the HCM City People’s Council which opened on Dec. 8 to discuss socio-economic development in 2009 and the plan for 2010.

However, in this year, the city faced many problems that hindered economic growth, such as congested traffic, floods and environmental pollution, as well as issues relating to food safety and hygiene, said the meeting.

The meeting also reported that the Municipal People’s Committee has set 22 targets for next year, including a GDP increase of 10 percent. Export turnover is set to increase 12.7 percent over last year, and social investment capital is estimated to reach 172 trillion VND or 41.8 percent of the city’s GDP.

Delegates at the meeting asked the city to consider climate change as a major and urgent issue which needs to be put on its agenda.

The meeting, which will last till Dec. 11, will hold inquiry sessions on issues of concern to the participants./.

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