Health insurance improves medical service quality

Many Lang Son residents participating in the health insurance programme are living in poor conditions and local general hospital is focusing on providing the best possible health care for them.

Medical staff in Lang Son provincial hospital has been working together to assist patients with health insurance cards as quickly as they could.

This has increased satisfaction among patients who come here for regular medical check-up.

Nguyen Van Manh,  a resident from Lang Son city, Lang Son province said: "Ever since the new model and mechanism were implemented, patients are given a fixed schedule, so that they can come in and wait for their turn. For me, it is very convenient and I can see doctors very quickly. The medical staff are friendly and helpful as well."

In recent years, the quality of health insurance programme has markedly improved.

Administrative procedures are a lot faster and more efficient.

Patients receive instructions at every step to avoid confusion and mistakes with the help of technology.

Lang Son General Hospital is working to improve the capacity of its doctors to provide the best treatment to patients.

Nong Van Hoan – Head of Health Insurance assessment department of Lang Son Social Insurance said: "We are working with many medical facilities to further improve the quality, by encouraging them to incorporate technology and information technology into the medical treatment process and administrative procedures. We also send inspectors to medical facilities to help deal with any payment problems."

To ease patients’ worries and help with the recovery process, Lang Son general hospital also provides hot meals for patients.

Hoang Tien Ninh – Vice President of Lang Son General Hospital said: "Health insurance coverage in Lang Son has reached 80 percent and the patients’ medical expenses are paid for. Inpatients are provided with daily meals, as are their relative-caregivers."

Even with limited capacity, Lang Son General Hospital is striving to better its services, both in terms of human capacity and medical services in accordance with the procedures of the Ministry of Health.-VNA