Heritage park honours contributions from talented Vietnamese scientists

Located 70 kilometres from the capital Hanoi, the Heritage Park of Vietnamese Scientists in Cao Phong district in Hoa Binh province is not only an attractive tourist destination but also a place for those passionate about scientific research and where the contribution of Vietnamese talent to the national development cause is honoured.

Nearly 1 million documents, exhibits, and research works from 2,000 Vietnamese scientists are showcased at the park, which has been in operation for 13 years. It was the first place in Vietnam built to introduce different scientific fields and tell the history of Vietnamese science from the 20th century.

Exhibits, photos, and research work from outstanding scientists in the field of medicine are also on display.

With huge archives of documents and exhibits, the heritage park is stepping up efforts to build a museum of Vietnamese scientists, in the hope of bringing this heritage closer to the public./.