ID cards to incorporate driver's license, insurance, vaccination certificate

Driver's license, social insurance, and COVID-19 vaccination certificate are among many documents to be incorporated into the new chip-based ID cards, the Ministry of Public Security’s police department for administrative management of social order has said.
ID cards to incorporate driver's license, insurance, vaccination certificate ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo:
Hanoi (VNA) – Driver's license, social insurance, and COVID-19 vaccination certificate are among many documents to be incorporated into the new chip-based ID cards, the Ministry of Public Security’s police department for administrative management of social order has said.

The department is working with the Ministry of Transport and Vietnam Social Security for such incorporation to help the cards replace a series of documents.

This will facilitate the process of administrative procedures and other transactions by citizens as well as strengthen COVID-19 prevention and control.

Under the Law on Citizen Identification in 2014, people from 14 years of age can obtain an ID card, which is then renewed when they turn 25, 40, and 60.

By the end of September, the Ministry of Public Security had issued about 45 million chip-based ID cards, each consisting of a QR code on the front and a machine-readable zone on its back./.

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